Hello Exams !
Hello ! It's Board Exams Be Exam Ready with Confidence This year…it has been different, different for all of us all around the world. It has been particularly different for children. All this because of a phenomenon that none of us ever envisaged – being at home.The lockdown has brought about a lot of change in our daily routine. But then, we are also aware that life will go on. We need to adjust, adapt and overcome,We bring to you a special Exams -Ready Recipe as shared by renowned practitioners Ambika Warrior ,Antriksh and Bindia Chugh . Children are the ones who easily adapt with situations, they just require some support from the grown-ups. Had it been like any normal year, it was time for the students in class 10th and 12th to start thinking and talking about their first half yearly exams once the schools reopen in and around July time frame. Probably it may not be much different this time either. It’s just that the mode of examinat...