Check on Life style -HyperTension Day

World Hypertension Day falls on 17th May '20 .Symptoms of hypertension are seen high these days and needs to be understood as corelated with lifestyle mechanism ,says a renowned counsellor "Antriksh" who along with his co colleagues Ambika Warrier and Bindia Chugh is hosting a series called "Happy Mind Happy Health " to help community derive real health in body ,mind and soul,with Adyant and Aananda Counselling .

He shares that lifestyle factors are critical determinants of blood pressure levels seen comanly in people today . Excess body fat is a predominant cause of hypertension with additive effects of dietary salt, alcohol, and physical inactivity.Irregular eating habits, intake of fast food and high on caffeine like regular coffee drinking raises blood pressure.The role of “stress” remains enigmatic risk factor for hypertension.
A critical step in preventing and treating high blood pressure is a healthy lifestyle. You can lower your blood pressure with the following lifestyle changes:
If you smoke -Quit now 
Losing weight if you are overweight or obese
Eating a healthy diet, including the DASH diet (eating more fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy products, less saturated and total fat)
Reducing the amount of sodium in your diet if you have high blood pressure as it aggravates the same 
Limit your alcohol drinks 
Regular aerobic exercises ,Work Outs 
Brisk Walking  
The term “lifestyle disorder” is really important to describe hypertension.  Almost all aspects of daily life – diet, sleep, exercise, work, and stress – are part of our lifestyle .  Your blood pressure responds to these things quite sensitively. This depicts your optimistic attitude, if it betters your mind set . But optimism is lost if lifestyle changes are not kept up for a lifetime.  For millions of patients, the arrival of high blood pressure as they get older comes at a stage when prevention may be too little, too late,says Antriksh .

It takes a  while before lifestyle disorders are recognized for what they are, a product of “normal” living that turns out not to be normal so far as the body is concerned. Hypertension needs a long span of years to cause damage and that even marginal hypertension – blood pressure on the border of being high – threatens the body almost as much as the full-blown disorder.
Lets understand Lifestyle and Hypetension being corelated to each other .
Stay Safe Stay Healthy !


Bindia Chugh 

Ambika Warrier


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