Parenting -A Journey :Preeti Kwatra

Some Parents take Parenting as a lesson ,Some wish to train themselves ,while some find it a task!
Parenting is actually ajourney of just being a Parent ,Just you ,says renowned Parenting Expert "Preeti Kwatra ",who educates many parents since years with "Mindful Parenting "
While for some Parents ,it might look as a Task while for some parents  it looks so easy.There is no thumb rule for Parenting except for Unconditional love for your Kids !!!Though there are ways to make it an easy part of life ,shares Preeti Kwatra with her decades of experience in mentoring Parents and heading Early Childhood Association as the Vice President and being a member of American Psycology Association .

Parenting is to have ::

Have great relationships with your kids
Realise it is a Fine Art 

Bringing down to the Kid's Level 
Unconditional love,beyond Boundaries 
Reading the kId's Mnd
Keeping yourself Calm
Care for the Kid
Enjoy the whole experience 
You can make a difference

The Rules of Parenting is the reassuring support that thousands have been searching for. You don’t have to be a perfect parent Just aa loving Parent and you  don’t have to have perfect children either !

The ways of thinking about parenting have changes ,so have Parents It's just about maing it easy in your everyday life .Bring Parenting closer to your Heart and it will increase your chances of bringing up your kid happily ,suggests the Parenting Expert "Preeti Kwatra "


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