The Prakriti Healthpreneur_DR.Dt Sheenu Sanjeev

The “Prakriti” Healthpreneur Dr. Dt. Sheenu Sanjeev Dr. Dt.Sheenu Sanjeev is a leading and eminent Nutritionist-Dietician & Diabetic Educator. Following her dream of working in the field of health and wellness, she established her brand "Healthyfy Solutions" in 2015, an ISO Certified company. Today she is a very popular Healthpreneur ! A firm believer in holistic treatment, she always advises all to adopt Natural remedies when it comes to Health.Nature-based Solutions are always the best, She has successfully cured more than twelve thousand people across thirteen countries, suffering from various lifestyle & clinical diseases, like Type-2 Diabetes, PCOS, Obesity, Renal issues, and many other clinical alignments. She has a firm belief that Natural food mainly the " gharkakhaana" is an elixir for chronic lifestyle diseases and metabolic disorders and it brings Magic! ...