HUNAR VIRTUAL FAIR bringing the real Hunars of the Community !
Hunar Virtual Fair is an initiative by Salaam Namaste Community Radio showcasing Skills, Art, Entrepreneurship, innovation, Home-based initiatives, Clothing, and many more .. Hunar Virtual Fairs are organized twice every month showcasing and promoting brands of the Community. The Upcoming Hunar Virtual Fair in on the 14th of August'20 which shall bring This Independence Day meet our very own Brands of India in " Hunar Virtual Fair" Celebrating Hunar Se AtmaNirbhar![On 14th Aug'20: 1pm-2pm ] Bringing Showcase of Brands BODYADORE - Handmade Products for Skincare! The one-stop destination for ur skincare routine! Glow Glow everywhere, Wherever u go! with customized natural skincare products., handmade and chemical-free. Follow Bodyadore on Insta: and on Facebook MADE IN INDIA -Brands of India, bringing different brands under one umbrella by Protima Sharma...